Sunday, May 29, 2005


I am becoming a sofa squash. I do not yet think I am a couch potato, but it is coming soon. I sit each day and watch television, snack and play around on the computer. When I'm up walking around, my legs and abdomen go directly to swelling mode. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.00. What an awful sight. Tremendous flabby thighs spilling over my old lady compression stockings. That's when I can see them over my protruding stomach. So, I sit and avoid this situation, as best as possible.

To further my decline through the ranks of produce, I have signed up for home delivery of groceries. Placed my first order to be delivered tomorrow morning. I sat scribing my grocery list this afternoon and realized what a toll the shopping trip was going to take on me. I haven't given up my Diet Coke habit, just shifted it to the Splenda version. Those are heavy. Then, I wanted lots of produce. I figured 10 lbs of carrots, another 5 or so of celery. Then, big bags of apples and oranges. Now, cauliflower, squashes, bananas, beets, broccoli, on and on and on....oh yeah, and toilet paper. Well, that was going to be an effort for my pitiful self, so I bit the bullet and signed up for Peapod. $10.00 delivery charge for the order and someone else has to scavenge the aisles (or backroom) and bring the groceries to my cozy porch.

This, to me, is the height of pathetic. I know in my mind that it is the smart plan. Every second off my feet is another second that my system is not stressed, but...Groceries, the most basic of needs and I don't even feel confident to do my own shopping. Compromises my optimistic outlook to the nth degree. Already I sit here with a brain spinning in indecision about my work situation. Should I just bag it for the final month of the year? Should I suck it up and do my best to stay at my post? What is right? What is fair? This grocery decision does not do much to make my brain calm. It further stirs the pot. I wonder if Bacardi is considered a raw food?


leaveme alone said...

Sometimes you need to look at your situation in a realistic fashion, and do what you know is right. I think that deep down you realize that you need to allowing time for healing to occur. Please give yourself the time. I know you said you were not artistic, but do you enjoy reading? Perhaps some good books will feed your soul.

Moonie said...

Bacardi is definitely NOT a raw food and not something you should use right now any way. -wink -
DO listen to the wisdom of the souls and stay home and take care of your health. Let go of the guilt, my friend, and get well!! Number one priority!