Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I Pay Every Day

That's my motto. Really. Know how you say "I'm going to pay for this" in certain situations? Well, my motto is I Pay Every Day. Maybe that's why I don't get overly psyched over things - I know that the hand will be proferred for payment at any moment.

Saturday was gorgeous and brought me my XBox 360. Sunday dumped 12+ inches of snow on our heads, but it was beautiful to watch. Plus, school called to cancel Monday's classes Sunday evening, so I could sleep in on Monday and have the day to myself after the final snow clearing in the morning.

Tuesday. What a crapola day it has been. The day started by the dogs being bad. Dogs Behaving Badly. Bark, yap, growl - repeat ad nauseum. Nip, bite, chew - repead ad infinitum. So, I decided to take them walking to burn off some of their pent-up energy. That was so incredibly stupid that I should be flogged. Rambunctious puppies on icy sidewalks...I am currently wearing the wrist brace I got as a reward for having the numbest skull in creation. I went down on the ice, using my left hand to try and stop my fall. Got a nice sprain for my trouble. Actually, its not overly bad; I have to wear my brace for a few days and I should be ok. But, that meant another day off of work as I got it checked out.

Then, the sun was making me sick. Really. It does that sometimes. Despite the fact that I have seasonal affective disorder, I am actually disabled by overly bright sunlight. Combine a blazing sun with a whited-out landscape and my head was pounding. That, in turn, made me nauseous. And the dogs just would not stop their shenanigans. Ugghhhhh...

I finally had to hide upstairs in my bedroom with the door closed just to get some quiet, dark rest. I was nice - I left the backdoor open to the patio for the dogs to play and pee, but I was not going to bring them upstairs with me. When I felt a little better, I filled the tub and just soaked for awhile in cool water. Dried off, donned warm sweats and toddled downstairs to find the pups curled in a big ball o' dog, emitting little contented snores. Bastards.

I am now gearing up to grab a snack and a beverage and take it easy. Must find my way back to the salt mines tomorrow. Its going to be tough, I have only one hand with which to wallop the students...