Thursday, May 18, 2006


I had forgotten my passion for reading. For some reason, I have not felt the bug in a long time and, although I continue to buy book after book, I haven't really set aside any real time for reading. This weekend, I was entombed in my home for 4 days and found solace in a few good books. Of course, I also indulged in TV and Xbox, but several hours per day found me curled up on the couch reading some tome that had been gathering dust on my shelves. I can't report that my horizons were broadened or I had my perspective altered by the titles I chose, but I did have fun and enjoyed letting my brain take the quiet path for awhile.

Now, I have an excuse to buy more books...

1 comment:

Dawn Rossbach said...

I need to finish a book I have been reading for too long. Are you finished with school? We are! Yeehah is right!

I should write something in my blog, now that I have some spare moments.