Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Building an Ark

People around here have been wondering if this would be a prudent use of time. We had 8 solid days of rain and are experiencing the worst flooding since the 1930's. I am lucky. My town didn't fare so badly and I did not have to pump water out of my basement. However, the school at which I teach was closed for 2 days (the elementary school in our district is still closed) due to the water and the whole area experienced closed roads, schools, businesses...people were kayaking in their yards and down sidestreets...since this is a common occurrence in my home state of Louisiana, I was not overly impressed.

But, I had a 4-day weekend. I watched movies, read, played videogames...the only unhappy lifeforms in the house were the dogs. They went stir crazy and began to gang up on me. Rodney, especially, was unhappy as he is not thrilled with rain. This made him very reluctant to go out to poop. But with size comes authority, so I booted him outside and made him stay there until he deposited his business in the appropriate area of the yard.

Friday is the Senior Prom. This means that the juniors and seniors will all be dismissed at 11:00 to get ready. Last Friday was the big band trip to Six Flags. We have awards assemblies, band concerts, etc. galore right now, so one can say the year is officially over.


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