When the term "technology" is used today, it is normally in reference to electronic technology. Computers is the most common example cited when technology is discussed in the context of education or other professions and fields. However, this is a very narrow use of the word. Technology just means using tools. A fork is a piece of technology. A stick used to extract ants from a log is technology. So is a hammer and snips. And they are not my friends...
When I spent a king's ransom to fence my patio, I thought ahead to the coming months of snow and decided to leave a space of several inches between the ground and the bottom of the fence. This would allow me to more easily open and close the doors without having to shovel for 1/2 hour prior to moving my car or trashcans. That was Life Pre-Puppies. It was quick to see that the dogs could easily, even as adults, escape through the provided gap. If I am out there, I can verbally correct their behavior, but who wants to be outside all the time? Those hounds like to play in the snow and rain and I like to be warm and dry.
This situation made potty trips for the dogs a matter of walks and that, in New England winter, is a time-consuming process. So, when my desire for a quiet, indoor afternoon finally reached maximum, I bit the bullet and went to the hardware store. Our local hardware hut is one of those places that has a little of everything under the sun. A quick perusal turned up fencing material. The question, of course, was what type to use. Chicken wire? Too flimsy. Chain link? How to cut that stuff? I settled on "Rabbit Guard." Then, snips were required. Find a suitable pair. Finally, something with which to affix the Rabbit Guard to the wood fence. That meant a big honking stapler. I gathered my $41.00 worth of poodle protection and trundled back to the car. The boys were standing on the passenger seat watching me. Their hopeful eyes made me happy that I was taking the step to give them a backyard in which to play and pee.
Boy, those looks didn't last me long. Quickly I descended into frustrated muttering as I worked to install my fencing addition. First, I had to work with the Rabbit Guard. It had to be laid flat to unroll, but I couldn't easily gauge how much I neecded unless I had it upright along the fence. I didn't want to add another tool, a tape measure, to my arsenal for fear of being overwhelmed with gadgets. Stand the roll of Rabbit Guard on end. Try to unroll it upright. Flip, flop, fall. Lay it down. Roll some out. Try to stand rolled-out fencing and remainder of roll. Watch it curl and fall. Repeat several times. Argh.
Then, staple RG to wood fence. Have staples miss RG wire. Have staples nearly bind finger to wood. Swear. Yell at dogs who are laughing at me from the steps. Roll out more fence, endure more staple chaos, snip fence in wrong place...oh the humanity...
Finally, a sufficient barricade was put in place to pen the most persistent poodle. I let them explore their new backyard and they seemed happy. Of course, it was also rather dark, so they did not get to enjoy the experience as much as they could. The next day was a monsoon. Hard, driving rain. Needless to say, no outdoors play. Just quick trips to the ivy at the edge of the yard for the doin' of the business.
Today. The day. In the 40's and sunshine. I had planned to do some errands before coming home, but set them aside to race back and let the dogs enjoy the outdoors. Do they like their territory? Yes. But, Rodney will only stay outside right now if the back door is fully open. I can't close the storm door or he whines and cries to come back in. This does not bode well for my fuel bills this month. But, he has at least started to staunchly claim one corner for himself and has been merrily marking his area with puppy pride. I am so thrilled.
I was thinking about how to shade the pups from the sun, provide some structural amusement, etc. I then remembered that any more alteration of my environment will require more tools and work on my part. This will not do. They will have to rough it. Hey, I did more "home improvement" for them than I have done for myself since I moved in. I think I deservce a medal...
1 comment:
You should have moved here. I have many many tools, inlcuding tape measure. I should send you a tool.
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