Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Souring Like Cream

Just got off the phone with my doctor. As I sit here starving to death and thirsty beyond belief in preparation for my tests today, she informs me that it is the recommendation of the hemotologist/oncologist, herself and the gastroenterologist that I go in for exploratory surgery. It would be the most efficient thing to do and kill many birds with one stone (hopefully, not this Dodo, though). So, her office will call me back within the hour to tell me when I'm scheduled to meet with the surgeon. And, she basically said that I am done for the school year. Glad I'm a happy-go-lucky person...


Prom said...

Good, they are right. Make sure they do all the things they need to while they are in there like a liver biopsy.

Damn I wish this wasn't happening to you Sci.

leaveme alone said...

Wow! I guess this is the best thing to do, Just get in there and do everything that needs to be done at once. Hopefully find those long sought answers. I will be thinking of you and sending off some good thoughts and energy. I certainly wish you did not have to go through all of this, and am wishing you all my best.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am sorry you are going through this. I am glad that you will soon have some answers though. It will be good to save you from months of multiple other tests, and waiting, and not knowing. I wish I were closer so I could help you through this. I hope you have someone to be there for you. You will be in my thoughts!

Lisa said...

Get it all done and get all the answers once and for all - sending you good vibes...thinking of ya, girl.

Anonymous said...

Geeeeeez, that just totally sucks. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this!

fuquinay said...

News of your mysterious illness has, apparently, spread like wildfire. I wish I were there to hold your hand, even if you insist you don't need it.

Moonie said...

Sci.... sigh.... I am glad they are going to do this and find out once and for all what this is!! Sounds like you finally have some on the ball docs on the case. Wishing I could fly out and help you recuperate. This just sucks, sucks, SUCKS, my friend!!!!! Hang in there (what choice IS there)

Don't sour like cream- it isn't Paleo

Jane said...

Oh, Sci....I hope all goes well for you. Getting to the bottom of this mess is so important, but I can't imagine what you're going through right now. It'll be worth it, it HAS to be! As always, with you in spirit...

Brownie said...

I wish they'd figure this out already. You must be so frustrated. I really hope this exploratory surgery finds you some results. Feel better! XOX

Dawn Rossbach said...

Well, this just stinks. I really wish there was something I could do for you.

My prayers, my thoughts are with you and only you.