That sort of thing. The second component was sleep. I slept, it seemed every minute that I was not getting tested and not one iota of that sleep made me feel rested. It was just like my body logged off and rebooted back to its previous status. At least that ensured that I was horizontal for uninterrupted periods of time, but that made no difference in terms of swelling. My knees got to be the size of melons and my thighs are starting to simply ache. A surficial, shallow pain and the inklings of a deeper one, too. Blech.
The ultrasound yesterday was interesting. It was nice not getting naked for once, although I did have to hike up the blouse and dip the sweatpants a bit. The person doing the test asked me a lot of questions about my history and symptoms and was floored by the number of weird things that I demonstrate. She is of the opinion that it could be a virus that attacked my GI muscles or even a form of muscular dystrophy! Well, I'll add to the growing list of "could be's." But, one thing is for certain. The guts and bladder don't move much unless sufficiently coaxed. Caffeine helps a lot and natural diuretics do help with urination. Today, I've downed innumerable glasses of juice (not a great volume, mind you) made from cucumbers, celery, spinach, carrot, dandelion...and I've visited the bathroom quite a number of times. But, I should not have to do all of this to get natural functions to behave properly. Further, I feel no internal pain. No matter how packed I am, how distended the abdomen, how full the bladder - it doesn't hurt. At all. I feel the sensation of distension, but none of that "ow, ow, ow, gotta pee right now." That is disturbing.
My day continues along this angsty path. I read my emails this morning and was comforted that at least one thing in this universe still functions properly: Murphy's Law. I did not check email yesterday. It was the only day in recent memory that I simply refused to check for communications from the outside world. I had done my duty to my school and country and everyone would move along fine without my vigilant eye. Wrongo. I found in my mailbox a series of emails all yelling for attention and action. My department chair, apparently, had been hospitalized. I had asked of him 2 favors - sign up in our media center for computer time for my students and xerox my environmental science final exam for the substitute. Well, of course, those couldn't be done. Ok. Change of plans for the kids today and a frantic email to the media center chief to beg for time. Then, 2 emails from my principal wanting to know where was my environmental science exam! Yes, I had emailed it to my dept. head, but I had also attached a copy to the substitute plans that I had emailed yesterday. I even pointed this out in the email itself. Apparently, none of that was noticed and I looked like a moron or a negligent teacher. So, re-email that file to them and have the fingers crossed that someone actually figures things out this time. Then, my principal wanted the name and phone number of my doctor. Ummm...isn't that on the letter that I gave him awhile back FROM my doctor? AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Not what one wants to face at 4:00 am when the head is pounding, the thighs are rubbing, the mouth is dry as crypt dust and another day of medical discussions loom...And, I sit here now wondering where are the landscapers to do my brickwork? The one bright spot of the week was this job and the fact that I didn't have to ask someone to be here to babysit the workers while I was teaching. Ummmm...guys, you have a job to do....
Today finds me again at the gastroenterologist. He should have yesterday's test results and I hope he can make some meaning of them. The tech did say yesterday that ovaries and uterus looked fine. Great - the two things I don't use work perfectly. How about the stuff that is broken!!!!! Tomorrow, my own doctor. I am now hopeful that she pushes me bodily back into my classroom. I think that I may actually be going insane with the continuous swirl. The conversations with myself have become decidedly schizophrenic. They are not even fun because when you argue with yourself, neither side has the upper hand...
I wish that was the problem. But, I've had the pitting edema before when I was very active and this bad constipation started when I was doing my groove thing. The fact that when I'm up and around makes the legs 1000X worse, is another key. I think I may, though, get some arm weights and do some arm and chest work...
I can imagine you are going bloody looney bins with all of this!! Waiting and wondering!! Fingers still crossed. Positive thoughts still coming your way.
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