Thursday, May 26, 2005

Numerous Abnormalities

That was the phrase the gastroenterologist used to describe my condition. Yahoo! Lots of things going wrong, and the trick is to find the root cause. What was the first? Where does the road begin? How do you find the head of the river?

Another day of the hurricane blowing outside and that is into what I ventured to my appointment with yet another specialist. Recommended by a friend, I was at least confident that he was a doctor of quality and my time would not be wasted. And, I was, I guess right, although in some ways I wish I weren't. Not that I received any dire news, but more tests were ordered and they are not of the happy pee-in-a-cup type...

Firstly, he was taken aback by the level of edema that I exhibited. The fluid accumulation in my legs was, frankly, disgusting, and I am pooling fluid in my abdomen, as well. Picture a pot-bellied pig with Grandma's legs and you have a pretty good idea of what he got to see. But, this did lead him to conclude that my problem is likely centered in the pelvis region, since it is that area and downward in which the swelling exists. To assess the GI situation more closely, he is making me undergo a colonoscopy and gastroscopy (both on the same day!). However, he was honest in saying that he did not think those tests would show anything. He does not think the problem is a blockage. What worried him most yesterday was my blood test results from a few days ago. The blood urea level was tremendous, indicating very significant dehydration. Imagine, filled up like a water balloon and I'm actually dehydrated...The issue is that the preparations for the colonoscopy requires a very through bowel flushing and that also makes you lose water. Obviously, he didn't want to do this as an outpatient procedure, if I was already dehydrated. That would leave being hospitalized to get my hydrated, perform the procedures there and monitor my recovery.

Ugh...not at all what I wanted. Neither, actually, did he. So, he ordered a new round of blood tests to see if the BUN level in my blood was still as high along (of course) with a host of other profiles. I was also ordered a pelvic ultrasound for next Tuesday. Yes, I got the bum-finger treatment (always a joy, but more action than I've seen in years), but the overall visit was quite benign. He was frank in saying that there was likely not an easy solution to all of this. The "numerous abnormalities" made diagnosis very difficult and it will take time to piece the puzzle together. I left with a promise that he would call me that evening to let me know whether I was or was not hospital bound.

As my cellulitis seemed to be losing the war agains the Levaquin, I had decided to return to work for the remainder of the week. My principal was against this decision, however. Understand that my school system has lived through a succession of evil, slimey, despicable principals for a very long time and the superintendent (who we still endure) is the devil incarnate. This new person is a 180 degree change. He is terribly worried about me being alone and sick. He offered to shovel my snow this winter and drive me to appointments if needed. Well, he called me yesterday afternoon and pretty much ordered me to stay home the rest of the week. Mentally, I said, balderdash, but I recognized his sincere concern. He also wants to speak with my doctor about me finishing the school year. Unlike most administrators who would do this to see if you were milking the system, I think he actually wants to try and persuade her to agree to keep me out! His comments were that he wanted me back for the long haul and was worried that I was too worried about doing my duty to the school system to concentrate on my own situation. He said, which was nice, that he knew I did my duty and that I should put all thoughts of work out of my mind. I was still pretty convinced about returning today, though...

...until I talked to the doctor last night. He had received the lab test results and my blood urea had dropped somewhat. Still very high, but he felt that it was safe to do my tests as as outpatient. The nurse is supposed to call me today to schedule all of that. Then, I relayed my principal's perspective about taking off the remainder of the week and his response was "Well, I'd have to agree with that." Drat. So, again I sit on my butt...

Beyond the colonoscopy and the gastroscopy, I will likely have to undergo a laparoscopy and paracentisis to further assess what's going on inside. Happy, happy, happy....fortunately, I am the practical type who doesn't get spooked by tests and procedures. I view them as a necessary evil, albeit a big bother. Oh well...what else do I have to do?


leaveme alone said...

Wow! You are going through so much right now! Get some rest, and I am hoping for you that the procedures go quickly, and you finally find some answers and solutions from all of this!

Anonymous said...

nice comfy place you got here :)..

Brownie said...

I hope that you can get this all sorted out soon and get back to your old self.