Saturday, April 30, 2005

Useless Tests are Useless

But fun, though...

I am also a 70's Geek and 60% militant feminist. Isn't that comforting.

Why in the world do we derive such pleasure from this kind of diversion? For some reason, useless tests found online or in magazines or circulated through countless rounds of email capture our attention and call us to their black hole of wasted time. Do I really need to know what fruit I would be? Into which breed of dog I will be reincarnated? Whether or not I qualify as expert, adequate or novice for identifying scenes from Japanese horror movies? Yeah....


Jane said...

I'm an accidentally evil itchy purple snowflake. Whew, now I'm free to get with my day.....

: )

Brownie said...

I'm A 1990s Geek - Cool, confident, and very powerful, I'm the sexiest geek ever!

I'm 60% militant femenist. I'm getting there. I don't suck, but I've got a ways to go.

I'm secretly evil.

And, I'm an orange polka-dotted piglet wearing light blue lipstick!

Anonymous said...

Yes why would a accidently evil peach pit tatoo on a big toe want to waste time doing these quizes?


fuquinay said...

I am creatively evil, too. I'm 60% feminist (unlike Brownie, though, I can spell feminist :) ) I think I am an invisible train station, too, though I can't remember why.

Brownie said...

Brownie can spell feminist. Brownie just couldn't type that day, apparently. Although, I could've sworn I cut and pasted that stuff.